Monday, August 25, 2008

for - since - ago

For - since - ago are used to talk about time
For is used to say how long an action or situation lasts.

*For is used with the Present Perfect :

- I have been waiting at the bus stop for 10 minutes.

- I have lived in this country for 10 years.

*For can also be used with other tenses :

- Present : I go on holidays for two weeks every year in the summer.

- Past : When I was sixteen, I stayed in London for two months.

- Future : During my trip to California next month, I will be in San Diego for two days.

Since is used to refer to the starting point of actions or situations.

It is generally used with the Present Perfect.

* I have been waiting for the bus since 8 o'clock.

* I live in Tokyo. I have lived in Tokyo since September 2000.

Ago is used to say when past events happened, going back from today towards the past.

* I came to Tokyo three years ago.

* I arrived at the bus stop ten minutes ago.

* I visited New York two years ago.

from: Learn English Today

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